Wednesday, February 22, 2012

For My Clients!

First and foremost, when going back and reading my own blog,  I have some phrases early on like "being a slave to my career" and "working for the man." I want it to be clear right now I was not talking about my profession as a massage therapist, my clients, or my work through Reinhold Chiropractic Group. More or less I am talking about being a slave to society and its perspectives on what is correct on how to live your life and what success is.

I have held and maintained my longest run of employment in my history through Reinhold Chiro... there is no way I would have that record if I didn't enjoy working there. Dr. Rich is an excellent employer, and a great friend. My job title while working with him and also being a massage therapist allowed me to do what I enjoy doing the most in an office setting, which is client interaction. Basically I got paid to get to hang out with my friends! Literally, it was a blast, I made tons of life long friends just showing up for work in the morning, and that is something you do not get with a lot of employment opportunities. Obviously I will miss all of my buddies in the office. Of course many of those buddies were also clients of mine at McNeeley Wellness, my massage company I ran through Dr Reinhold's Office.

My clients were and are the best! When I wasn't killing their muscles with kindness and pain (cause lets face it, I am no Swedish therapist!), it seemed every session was an opportunity to hang out with a friend and just talk the day away!

One of my biggest issues with taking such a huge leap of faith as I start my new adventure in permaculture farming, is the fact that I can not take my clients with me. I feel it is rare sometimes to wake up and be proud knowing that what you do for a living, can help your clients live richer, fuller, and freer lives. Daily I get to witness the body healing itself as I help them with certain issues in life that weigh them down, physically and mentally. I have had the greatest pleasure working with my friends, I will truly cherish each one of you forever! As I hopefully have helped you, please know that you have helped me grow into the person I am today. Everyday, I gathered little tidbits of information and pearls of wisdom that you all freely handed out while just keeping conversation and I feel that those encounters are true blessings and I know I have grown from them. Again, Thank you all for being the best clients and friends anyone could ask for.

Thank YOU!

~Big Dave!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Less than 2 weeks!

I have been getting a lot of "I don't believe you are actually following through on this crazy move!" from friends and clients over the past week. I think it is really starting to set in with people that I am outta here soon. It is definitely starting to set in with me! I am about 50% packed up now, getting ready to start the 'living out of my suitcase' part of the trip soon. I am bringing over the truck and trailer tomorrow and will start casually loading up the trailer next week! As in... yep, this is really happening!

In the wake of my Brother abruptly abandoning his family, we have had to be proactive and try to recoup some of the financial and business damages he has left behind. So, I sold off his business and lawn care equipment, but have decided to keep the truck and trailer for myself. Basically, I am selling off my Xterra and am going to take over his truck (no worries I have the title with his signature on it for transfer) so now I will have a truck for the farm (since we all have SUV's currently.) Once I get out to Arkansas I will sell off the trailer, mostly because the trailer is much bigger and costs nothing compared the the $654 trailer from U-haul that couldn't even fit my mattress inside it.

So even when the bridge crumbles around you, sometimes new paths shine through the rubble. It was hard to find, but it seems like this new strategy to get me out there will work for now!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Rock on Chipotle!

I was perusing through YouTube today and came across this video from Chipotle's channel. (and no I wasn't looking for videos with burritos in them or anything like that, it was suggested to

I thought it was good enough to not only grace my pages of my newest hobby of blogging, but is also the first thing other than text I have put into this thing!!! Now im going to have to get all savvy on pictures soon! But all and all, it seemed like a good message and kinda what I am trying to do too. Besides homeboy Willie Nelson is singing Coldplays "The Scientist" throughout it... Rock on!!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Time is flying by

As I write this post, I have less than two weeks of scheduled massages left to complete! Then Ill have around a week to finish up the tail ends of things around here before I head out to Arkansas to start this new adventure!

Still plan on leaving Virginia Beach on or around the 29th of February, but as late as the 2nd of March. I was able to sell off my brothers business and worked a deal with the guy who bought it to mow my parents house for free for a few years! So, that is working out nicely. :) Haven't heard to much from Drew, just got a post card a week ago saying he is eventually heading out west to Arizona. Still wishing him love and the best of luck in his endeavors.

So much left to do before I go though! It seems if I pack a box, afterward I look and it seems it didn't even make a dent in the pile!! That wouldn't bother me too much, but i am limited on space in the trailer, so, now I'm being even a bit more methodical in packing and trying to get rid of much as possible on this end of the trip, versus the other. Even though I have half a month left, I feel the pressure of time pushing back at me! But alas, everything will be fine.  :)  Especially when I smell the clean mountain air again!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

A little bit of everything part 2

So, this blog wouldnt really let me edit the list so much after I copied and pasted it in here, so I stopped while I was ahead and just started a new post. Sorry for any confusion and lack of editing on the master list. :)

Go ahead and add my two bananas, my kumquat and two lemon trees to the list and zucchini as well. That is A LOT of planting!!!!

We are obviously trying to veer away from monoculture, and will be trying the more challenging, but also more rewarding style of permaculture. Here we will grow a little bit of everything, instead of a lot of one thing. I will talk more on this later, but just wanted to throw this up to let you drool over what is cooking in the oven for later on in the year!

I think the plan once I get there will be figure out the layout of the garden and orchard and just start digging till spring arrives, then pant like crazy! :)

A little bit of everything!

So, for those interested in knowing what we will attempt to grow at the homestead this upcoming year, here is a list... in Alpahbetical order!!!

5-in-1 Peach Tree (Self Pollinating) (x2)
American Butternut
Apricot Tree
Athena Cantaloupe
Banana Pepper
Bell Peppers
Big Boy Slicing Tomato 
Black Beans
Black satin thornless blackberries

Carpathian English Walnuts (x2 for pollination)

Cherry Sweet Tomato
Concord Grapes
Corn - Ornamental Rainbow
Corn - Super Sweet Illinichief
Dwarf 5-in-1 Apple Tree (Self Pollinating) (x2)
Dwarf 5-in-1 Pear Tree (Self Pollinating)
Dwarf American Hazelnut (x2 for pollination)
Dwarf Cherry - North Star Pie
dwarf fruit cocktail tree
German Giant Radish
Giant Blueberries (need 2 varieties - Jersey and Duke)
Gourds - Bushel
Gourds - Ornamental
Green Beans

Hardy Pecans (x2 for pollination)
Head Lettuce
Hot Pepper Mix
Hybrid Tomato 
Luffa Sponge
Manchurian (Apricot) (Self Pollinating)
Mildly Hot Peppers
Patriot Blueberry
Peach Tree
Plumb Tree
Pole Beans
Potatoes - Red Pontiac
Potatoes - Yukon Gold
POTATO's, Russet
Prime ark blackberry
Re-fried Beans
Reliance Seedless Grapes
Roma Tomato
Romain Lettuce
Sea Berries (Requires male and female plant)
Spring Mix Lettuce
Strawberries - ALLSTAR
Strawberries - Giant Sequoia
Sugar Sweet Cherry (Self Pollinating)
Sunflower - Dwarf Sunspot
Sweet Bell Pepper Mix
Sweet Chestnuts (x2 for pollination)
Sweet Onion
Sweet Peppers
Sweet Slice Plus Watermelon
Tendersweet Carrots
Tiny Tim Tomatoes
Watermelon  + Sugar Baby
Wonderful Pomegranate