Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Coming together, piece by piece!

Today, I was throwing mothballs all over the property (to supposedly help) with the apparent snake issues we are having. Aside from that, I have been just plugging away on the chicken coop.


Sleeping where I need to close the door
Speaking about Moth balls, check out this moth I found sleeping in the tracks of the barn door today (the exact same place I found the second snake... probably the only reason why I saw this). This guy was literally the size of my hand. His/her body was really thick and almost looked like a bat, plus its legs were covered in fur!! Crazy, and cool looking creature of the day!

Now, I am not saying that no one needs blueprints (nice little shout out to Bruce and Nancy! Miss ya guys), I really believe blueprints are essential for a place like a house or an office... but my blueprint free chicken coop is just ROCKING! (ok, ok, I know I used blueprints for the floor... get off my back!) But seriously, I had no idea it was going to look as fantastic as it is coming along. By the time I finished tonight, it is completely framed in, I have one wall of siding up, the roof trussed in, another wall half way sided in, and the door and 2 windows installed along with two air flow vents for circulation! WOW!! Yep, this is another me bragging on myself posts!

All framed up, ready for siding and roof!
Another pretty sunset!
But no worries, I am too tired to continue on with my bragging, so I shall leave you with some more pictures!! Yay!!


  1. That last picture of the sunset with the drill would make a nice drill ad. Sounds like you are having fun. Can't wait for you to tell us what snake tastes like. All I know is you handled it better than I would. I am proud of you.

  2. Hey Mom! Thanks, yeah, I haven't manned up and eaten it yet, it is in a salt brine in the fridge to hopefully get the game taste out, but I need to eat it by tomorrow night! Hope it taste like chicken! All I know is that I am burning it to a crisp to ensure that it is cooked all the way! :)


I always appreciate feedback! Thank you for reading!

~Big Dave!