Friday, April 27, 2012


Baby chicks arrived in this lil box, all huddled together!
YES! They are here! We ordered 15 baby chicks, but the hatchery throws in at least one extra to insure all your chicks arrive alive! It seems they threw in an extra Buff Orpington, which is what I wanted an extra of anyway, they are a very beautiful and "fluffy" hen, and the leg feathers go all the way down to the claw, vs having bare legs like most other chickens. :)

Checking out the camera
Hey get me out of this box!
Don't think they grasp there is more than one food hole!
Rhode Island Red baby chick

So, I am now fathering 5- Rhode Island Red Hens, 6- Buff Orpington Hens, and 5 straight run Jumbo Cornish Cross chicks. The Rhode Island Reds, and Buff Orpingtons are, at this time, pets and Egg Layers. Unfortunately the five Cornish chicks are destined for the table. The Cornish chicks are actually bred to get large quick and will actually die from heart attacks or leg failure if you don't butcher them at around 8-10 weeks. This is true Farm life, they are cute, but are the exact same breed of chicken you see in the super market in the frozen section. But for my animal lover friends, please realize, they will have a happy life (albeit short), will experience life outside a very small cage, will be free range and will definitely be slaughtered humanely and with respect to the animal.

I believe this is a Cornish, if not its a Orpington!
With that being said, please check out the pics of my cute little fuzz balls!

After a while of exploring, it was nap time!

Switched to B&W due to red light, but this was too cute.

I'm Stuck! (not really) Cute lil butt sticking up in the air!

My little girls getting water!

1 comment:

  1. Too cool man! I didn't realize they grew so fast. You will be grilling in no time ;-)


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~Big Dave!