Thursday, May 3, 2012

Going away for just a little bit

I will bite you, give me your hand...
Be back in a week... no worries, the farm owner will still be around to feed the chicks and most importantly keep my dog company! But before I go just wanted to post a few pictures of some more farm life going on around here. Updated pic on the chicks, and also a nice sized specimen of a Wolfe Spider that we found in the garden today and decided to capture (the thing was over a inch long without the legs!) But after proper identification, I let it go in the far end of the garden to eat bugs in peace.

Amazing how 1/16th" wide clear plastic makes me feel safe

Still, an intimidating beast!

Chickens doing what they do best, eating and pooping.

One last Sunset before I leave to run around

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~Big Dave!