First picture of the new Goats! |
So a few days ago, I start working on creating and building a Goat Barn. Then, the other night, I was on Craigslist, looking for awesome deals for Farming supplies. One lady posted a bunch of adds, most were about Goats for sale. So, I talked to my roomy, she called her husband, and we decided to go visit the farm to just check them out and get some ideas on Goats.
Welcome Leia! |
Welcome Mr. Han! |
One of the ads were for a pair of Nigerian Dwarf goats about a year old, one male, one female. Nigerian Dwarfs are pretty much like the Rolls Royce of designer Goats. Perfect in size, perfect in mannerisms, perfect in milk production, pretty much your all around goat. They are really desirable because of the many traits they contain in the goat world, and when they go up for sale, which is seldom, they never last long, and most people get on a waiting list for kids with down payments or deposits to have first choice of the litter.
Han and Leah are enjoying their new home... but Big Dave has to hurry up and get it done!! |
I think they might want to help. |
Now obviously, one of the main reasons to go to the farm was for the opportunity to see this breed and compare them to others like Nubian or Pygmy breeds side by side (since this lady seemed to have a few different breeds... although she mostly had Nubian). So, we get out of the truck and start talking to the lady, and of course instantly fall in love with the two Nigerian Dwarfs. We come to find out they are not brother and sister, but are the same age, and there is even a chance she may even be pregnant... meaning if you got the pair, you could end up getting three Nigerian dwarfs for the price of two!!! (and honestly at this price, the price of one)
Still getting used to their new surroundings. |
So much open space, way more from where they came from |
Nigerian Dwarf kids can sell for anywhere from 200-600$ a piece (of course it is more if they are registered... these are not). These people only wanted $250 for both.... sooooooooooooooooooo....... I now have a pair of Nigerian Dwarf Goats!! There is a slight chance she is already pregnant, so we might even get a baby by the end of summer! I also heard that it is not unheard of to have up to 6 kids!!! Though I am sure its usually only 1 to 2. Fact of the matter is... I believe and hope, this is a money machine in the making! They are so small, the pasture we have should sustain them, we will only really need to supplement feed during the winter time, although we will still spoil them with nice fresh alfalfa from a neighbor. So in the mean time (other than vaccinations, and de-wormings, little odds and end things) they should be decently cost free! Plus, hopefully I will be getting milk from the doe soon, so I can finally start making goat milk soap!!! These goats will be pets of the farm. When they arrived, they already got more housing and pasture than they ever knew at their old farm and I believe, hope, and pray they will be happy here.
So, again, WELCOME TO THE FARM Mr. Han and Mrs. Leia!!
Obviously, I had to get the Goat barn completed, so here are some sweet pictures of me getting that project finished. One thing I am really proud to say, and I get even more proud the more I think about it, is that everything in this barn is made from scraps of lumbar, nails and screws I had laying around in the shop, even the roof was from the wood stack (it was acting as a rain block for the wood). Everything was second hand, this barn is 100% recycled... and that is just freaking awesome. Total new cost for this project is a big fat ZERO. This is me once again, patting myself on my back. :P
Total cost of this project... $0.00.... That's right, I even figured out how to save myself from getting the original 3 pieces of wood I needed to get. Re-worked some things around, and was able to make a complete structure WITH A ROOF with nothing but the left over wood and materials we had on sight. Where there is a will, there is a way... and this structure is bad ass... especially for the amount of money it cost. :) |
All done, even put a butt load of straw down for bedding for the goats. |
Always gotta check your work. This wall is secure! (look at those sexy arms, perfect form, ready for America Ninja Warrior.... ok not really, this is take three.) |
Another sunset, as another project is completed. |
The Garden... well, it is what it is. But, it definitely isn't dead!
Corns doing better! Its so tall!!... its a camera illusion! |
Not really, my corn is still chugging along, but hey, little ears are starting to form out! I WILL GET SOME CORN! |
With the purchase of the goats, the farm lady let me have this rooster for free. It is a mix with Aurecana in him, which means, that if we let our eggs hatch, those chickens will lay brown eggs and also eggs that are considered "Easter eggs" could be blue, could be speckled... who knows! I think he is awesome, and the ladies (my hens) love him, he took over as head honcho within minutes! (I don't think the hens minded) |
My ladies doing their thing, chatting it up about the new man in town... gossip gossip gossip BUCCCAAAAAW |
Hanging out with my Buff-Orpington buddy |
This system rolling in supposedly had some tornado sightings with it. But nothing happened here, barely even got a sprinkle. But the light show was nice. |
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~Big Dave!