Saturday, January 28, 2012

Many struggles to this point, but this one is the worst.

A few days ago, I was getting in my truck to go do a travel massage, when I got to my truck there was an envelope on my windshield. I looked at it and saw that it was from my brother. Lets introduce him now...

My Brother, Drew, is my best friend and confidant, we were roommates for a few years after I graduated college, and he lived with me at my first beach house in Chic's beach. Everyone has their own demons and Drew was no stranger to his. Roughly 30 days before I'm supposed to be on the road moving out to Arkansas, Drew has his demons show up in mass and made him go off the deep end and he has decided to disown his family and run away out to who knows where to go find himself, leaving his business, cell phone, credit cards, most of his belongings, and a worried family and friends behind.

I respect his decision and will learn to live with it as hard as it will be to do. I feel like I have lost not only my best friend and the person I can tell anything in the world to, but also obviously I feel like I have lost my brother. The way he wrote his goodbye notes made it seem like I may never see him again and it breaks my heart.

I may never know why Drew has to do things the way he does. It seems like we are both pursuing the same thing, but obviously I am trying to keep everyone in the loop and share in my experience. I feel horrible that he feels that his walk through the world will be better without his family. I wish him the best of luck, the most amount of love he can handle, and I wish him happiness. I truly hope he finds it. 

Drew was also going to be my partner in crime in my move out to Arkansas, he was going to drive his truck and trailer, while I drove my Xterra. then he was going to hang out for a few days and maybe even help with some of the first easy projects around the homestead before he headed back home. Obviously, that will not be happening anymore, and now have to figure out a different way to get my stuff out there.

On top of that, he has asked me to sell his stuff and his business, so now I have to do that in the midst of moving out myself. Looks like it will be a bit harder in the next month than I was hoping for, but that is what life is all about. Gotta roll with the punches. There is the old saying, "Life's a bitch... and she's got puppies." Lucky for me, I love dogs.

I was really looking forward to spending some great quality time with my brother out in the woods next month. Again I hope and pray he is doing fine, I hope he reads my blog from time to time and thinks of me!

I miss you brother, with all my heart! :(

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~Big Dave!