Thursday, September 6, 2012

All packed up.

Clint Eastwood inspired me to ramble on and on for a bit. So with out further hesitation... It is Time for Big Dave to Ramble.... Enjoy

Lick the tip of your finger, hold it high up in the air, figure out what way the wind is blowing, point yourself towards the East and start walking on to a new chapter in the continuation of my awesome Journey.  I am pretty much all packed up, all I have left is a few clothes, my guitars, and my computer to put into the trailer. Its weird, I came here with a trailer that was bulging and stuffed from floor to ceiling with crap. This time, there is a big hole, mostly because I am leaving my awesome bed here and some other furniture. I might have lost volume, but I know I have gained trailer weight, from some of the auctions I bought some building supplies and also ammo... what obviously equals out to a lot of added weight to this thing. So, once again, I am a little scared on the heaviness of the trailer. At the end of the day though, I can fit my entire life into a trailer and a truck bed.. one day maybe Ill be able to widdle it down to just a truck bed, but oh man it is hard to let go of some cool stuff. (I'm working on it)

Nerves. I know I don't have a lack of them. Most of you don't know this, but when I moved out here, I got sick, and couldn't keep anything down for almost, if not more than a week, I could barely keep down any water either for days. It was sweet in a way watching the (unhealthy) pounds come off, but it made me weak and extremely tired. This time around, the butterflies are flying around as usual, but so far, I haven't gotten sick from it, and I don't plan to either... of course, I guess you never really plan to. But as my move date draws closer and closer I am definitely feeling it, the stress of moving is never fun, even if I do have more experience in doing it now than the average bear.

Looking back over the past few months here, I have answered many questions in my life, as well as drafted up new ones to ponder for years to come. I like the fact that life really is a road that you travel, and there is always a straight and "under the radar" normal path to your left, but at every mile there is a "Y" in the road and you have the opportunity to take the "road less traveled" and see where it could lead. Before and up to when I went to college, I always stuck to the path on the left, being real active in School Sports and Government, shooting for the stars in the Corporate Advertising world believing the Myth that to get far and be happy in life you need to do your part in this perfect without flaw society, and work at a gig until your real old and can't live life full, then you can try to go live life. Stick with me here... I see it all the time, usually it is a widowed woman in her 70's finally going on that African Safari that her and her late husband always dreamed of taking, but never "found the time"... that is, until he is dead and she is lonely. That sounds like crap to me,  I can't have a life full of "what if's" and "only wish we had the time or money" clogging up my space. :P Finally, I started waking up to these false views (to me) on what "Happiness" is for many, and if it works for you, that is awesome man!

About my Senior year in College and since then (talk about finding yourself in college ehh?), I have generally taken the "road less traveled" path because I love the adventure of it, it's not canned soup. Every time you change direction its a different flavor added to the dish! Most people stuck in the muck of today's society would say I "lack direction" or "don't have true foreseeable goals" or what have you. I obviously disagree, I see the human experience not to be wasted slaving away at some "comfy" corporate gig where I give up five to six days of my week just to get one to two days off as a reward. During those one or two days a week you have off your supposed to cram in all  human life experiences... (lawn care, family time, gardening, rest and relax, go to concerts, ball games, cook outs, house repair, cleaning, wash the truck...) that pretty much takes up the entire weekend. I would rather work 7 days a week, but spend it having fun, working hard for what you get, but doing what you love, saving lots of time with friends and family and living a humble but happy and full life from it. There is the eighties song that has the lyrics "everybody is working for the weekend" it took me years to understand the meaning to that song.

I feel family is the most major part of the human experience. We are social creatures, no matter how much of a shut in you are, without someone to talk to, love, or just be near, life gets really lonely and frankly boring. I think one of the saddest things would be to die alone. No one there to talk to through the end, no one to hear the last worldly words that come out of your mouth, no one to share in the death experience from this plane to the next. Which brings up a minor side point.... (told ya I was rambling today)

A lot of people know that I'm a little bit leery about the future of this planet and the future of man kind, and how it will play out in the coming months to the next few years. Yes, one of the reasons why I moved out here was to make a base camp and have a area to go if the world goes down hill, or in prepper talk, "when the $h!t hits the fan" in society and the world crumbles around us and yadda yadda yadda. Super volcano this, EMP that, Tsunami this and Earth Quake that, Solar flares shining, Government failing, Aliens invading, Asteroids falling, Planet "X" or Niburu swinging by for a close visit whatever the case may be one day in the near or far off future something will inevitably happen. Rome wasn't built in a day, but fell almost over night, all great empires and societies do, and its usually without much warning. This is a pattern in history and America is not omitted from that pattern. BUT at the end of the day, here in Arkansas I have very few friends, and no close family. My roomies and my neighbors are all I care about out here, my loved ones and a ton of friends and connections live in Hampton roads. So if the world ended tomorrow, even though I feel my chances for survival through catastrophic times are greater here in Arkansas, I know in my heart that I would rather be around my loved ones and "go as a group" or "fight it out as a group" instead of not knowing if they ever made it, or worse, knowing that they are gone and I'm alone in the world. Pretty gloomy, but hey, its just how I feel. No doubt some people might distance themselves from me after reading this last paragraph, but whatever, this is my blog after all, although this post is reading more like a journal entry to me as this goes on. "LOL"

The cool part of that last paragraph, is that Ill get a few random hits to my blog from the internet while people are doing a search about different end of the world scenarios. I love it... seriously, blogging is kinda addicting... According to "expert blogger websites, 'help areas' on how to write better blogs"... I just gotta work on the content,  shorten the length of my posts, keep my personal views of things out of the mix, and blog more frequently... wow, I got a lot to work on. See, I can't even follow blogging basic's and guidelines in life.

So, assuming the world isn't going to end, which would be great,  man does need to do what he has to do to get through in life. I leave Arkansas in a few days and I will take the road again to see where it leads. Adventure awaits me, the World will tempt me, Fate will lead me and I can't wait to see whats next.

This may be the last post before I am back in Virginia, if so, it might be a week till ya hear from me again. If not, well, obviously you'll get the awesome honor and pleasure of another post or two before I go... but THEN there will be a minor break while I travel, unpack and decompress... afterwards, it will be back up and running again with lots of stuff coming! Including the past year in review! And whats next in the crazy awesome cool adventure of "Big" Dave's Life!!! STAY TUNED! (you know you want to)

 "Im the king of my own Land. Facing Tempests of Dust, I'll Fight till the End. Creatures of my dreams raise up, and Dance with me." ~ Outro by M82 (this is finally going to get noticed in the music charts and will explode soon because you can hear this very beautiful song at the end of the "Cloud Atlas" trailer... which is the 'coming out of retirement' new movie by the Wachowski's... ya know... the people who made the "Matrix" trilogy) <--- More Shameful Blog fodder that will draw more readers from the internet. :P But seriously, its a cool song and totally speaks my language.

1 comment:

  1. Just catching up on your blog. Been very busy here. Nice post though. I agree that life is a road that you travel, and you have to be able to enjoy it. You only live once. I am trying to take the path to the right... the "road less traveled" as you put it a bit more often myself which is how I ended up out here in Afghanistan on my own lil adventure. I will be joining you back home in a bit over a month though. ;-) See you then.

    By the way... you forgot the Zombie Apocalypse!



I always appreciate feedback! Thank you for reading!

~Big Dave!