Monday, July 30, 2012

Found a cool website today

Its called GoFundMe and I have decided to create a fundraising page from it.

This blog has turned into a pretty cool little website, and I eventually plan to write a book about my experience using the blog as my guide through the storyline. It will include from when I started this thing to the finalization of hopefully opening a Retreat Center of my own in the next couple of years, and of course all the time in-between.

In the slightest chance you would like to donate to the book publishing fund, this fundraising page will cover the massive publishing costs, and to help market my future book- "Into the Natural State of Mind."

I personally feel there is no time like the present to get the ball rolling on things. So, if you have anywhere from $5 to a cool couple million dollars, and its just burning a hole in your pocket, and you don't know what to do with it... feel free to visit my page and I will be more than happy to take it off of your hands! :)

I do want to note though, if you are finding it hard to choose between my fundraising page, and a fundraiser that could help out starving animals/children or someone who is in desperate need, please donate to them instead. :)  Regardless if you donate or not, I want to say thank you for even checking out my blog, that show of support alone is always a fantastic way to keep me motivated on my own path of self healing and true happiness!

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I always appreciate feedback! Thank you for reading!

~Big Dave!