Sunday, July 22, 2012

What is the world coming to?

I wake up and read this story online about a family that has a beautiful garden in their front yard.
illegal kitchen garden
This apparently is an "eyesore"... it puts all of my gardens I ever made to shame!

In my personal opinion they should be rewarded for their forward thinking and also get a yard of the century award. These people instead are being told that they have a week to "scale back" the garden to only 30% of the yard space or they will be fined 300$ a week until they comply.

What a horrible waste of energy on the community and the resources it takes to even file such a non since, stupid, tax costing citation. These people took a crappy overgrown yard and turned it into something beautiful and the people in power think this is a bad thing??!?!? This garden is not the problem, it is the solution.

Please take some time out of your day today to sign their petition, the goal is 6000 signatures and they already have 5200 when I wrote this. I am signature 5208! They only have 2 more days to make the 6000 mark... I have a feeling they will make the goal number, but it would be nice to make it many times over.

This garden is harming no one, has no ill effects, it benefits the surrounding neighbors with Vegetables and is beautiful place to show that you can harmonize with Nature even in the city. I find it disgusting and sad that this is even an issue. I mean really, if you cant grow a tomato... then what else will the powers that be start saying you can't do. Sickening.

Petition Website link:

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~Big Dave!