Saturday, September 1, 2012

Bird Poop!

So, there I was, laying down on the picnic table outside, listening to the wind blow, and watching the clouds pass by. Then, I look up... I see this little tiny tiny spec of black in the cloud... its coming down.. it's falling out of the sky and about to hit me... I try to move out of the way and SMACK!..... Right on my upper lip I get hit. I instinctively evacuate all air out of my lungs in a trumpet like blow to make sure whatever just hit me doesn't get in my mouth. I reach over and feel the distinct feel of Bird Poop. Weird part about this, there was NO BIRD! This poop must have been floating around in the cloud or something of the sort and waited till it was perfectly lined up to drop it on me.

Supposedly in some European Countries it is a great sign of Good Luck to be hit in the head by bird poop. In America, not so much, more like it makes you the butt end of a bad joke. But today, I will pretend to be European (aren't we all anyway.. at least by .0001%?)... So good luck for me!!

Too much info I'm sure, but I had to tell somebody... and it seems your the lucky one to be told! 

This is going to be one LUCKY month! 


  1. It's Arkansas's way of punishing you for trying to leave!

    1. Yeah, probably! You are going to love your Farm when you get back my friend. I am actually kinda jealous of you buddy, this place is really starting to flow well as a farm and I have no doubt you are going to be stoked when you get back to see it! :)


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~Big Dave!