Thursday, September 6, 2012


12 total eggs, before one got broken.
I went over to my neighbors house tonight for some going away home made Chili. Nice little last minute gesture of kindness from my neighbors. Its not every day people still do stuff like that for neighbors, and its just nice seeing that old school Americana still alive in our wonderful country today.

After eating Chili, My neighbor Chad and his wife, the little girls and myself wondered down to the chicken coop to gather the eggs for the day. The total count was 12 eggs. However, my 3 year old roomy, well it was her first time gathering eggs and she got a little excited that when she put her first egg (that she has ever collected in her life) more like slammed it in the basket, it got busted in a few places. After that I reminded her that eggs are like babies and you need to be gentle with them, the other four she gathered made it through the ordeal OK. Tonight I do have pictures! I stole a camera and took a few and got them emailed to me.

The eggs are still small because the hens are young
Watch where you step!
After gathering the eggs, my neighbors both start squealing at me to come over quick, I was like what, they pointed to the grass and there it was! Finally! I thought it was just a urban myth!!!! My first Tarantula encounter in the wild! I knew supposedly this state had them, but I haven't seen any since I got here. I almost thought this chance encounter was staged, but both my neighbors hate them, so I have my doubts. I'm up to seeing around 10 or so now on Scorpions, they don't even startle me to much anymore, its just like seeing a cricket, except this one doesn't hop, and it can sting you, but really they are always more concerned with trying to get away from you. Anyway, back to the tarantula... this is where I remember that my neighbor Chad, who looks and talks strikingly similar to "Larry the Cable Guy"... even wears cut off blue collar shirts.... well he freaks out over any and all spiders. Me, I freak out over the small harmless ones that I cant see where they went after they crawl up your arm with lightning fast speed, but over a Tarantula... nah, these creatures are awesome. Its been well over ten years since I have held one and I didn't want to be "That Guy" at the get together that got bit, so I let it crawl on a stick instead of my arm. After it settled down on the end of the stick I decided to brave it a bit, much to the shock and horror (as can be seen in faces in the background of the pics) of my friends and neighbors, and bring it close to my lips for a mock up little kiss. Well, in the next picture you can see where it reared up really fast  right when my lips are next to its fangs, and the moment was caught on film! Priceless! After watching my neighbor turn a whiter shade of pale and see every hair on his arms stand on end, I decided to let it go near the chicken house for the chickens to find and eat later.

Only in the country!
I used to sell these, at Animal Jungle, I have the store record of having 15 scorpions and tarantulas on me at one time! Come on, its my claim to fame! Now and days though, I would rather handle them with a stick.
Famous last redneck words... "hey ya'll, watch this!"

Notice the terrified look of Andy in the background.

Went in for a kiss and it got mad and reared up at me!! Honestly, it was a little bit jumpy, but overall a very nice Tarantula!

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~Big Dave!