Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Quick update

Hello all! I am back in Virginia Beach! Got my computer unpacked and set up, but still getting my life back to being somewhat recognizable as Big Dave's Life.

It was only appropriate that I would chose to come back when the US decided to raise it's gas prices after seeing a summer low just weeks before I left Arkansas. Nice thing about have a 35 gallon tank though in a F250 is that you go longer in between fill ups and you only have to fill up four times to get back home. The stats... 1,078 miles from here to there, plus about another 100 miles or so of here and there driving. Four fill ups of gas totaling 105.9 gallons of gas, at a humble $399.51 (20 some odd dollars cheaper than when I went out to Arkansas!) Still though, pulling a trailer, brings the already horrible gas mileage down to around 11 miles a gallon or so... CRAPPY! Now that I am pinching pennies, I will see how much the thing gets without pulling a trailer, but not sure if Ill be able to afford keeping such a beast of a truck... might have to down grade in size a bit for better gas mileage.

Since I have been gone, Han has gotten out of the fenced in yard 6 times... he misses me so much, that is why he is being so rebellious! (obviously :P) Other than that, everything seems normal from the homestead, so that is fair news!

Ill write more later, but for now just wanted to tell you guys I got back safe and sound. BTW- Did you know I had no, and I mean NO traffic all the way from Arkansas to Virginia... until I hit Suffolk... then it was slammed... just saying Virginia... we need to work on our infrastructure here!!!

Till next time!!

1 comment:

  1. "BTW- Did you know I had no, and I mean NO traffic all the way from Arkansas to Virginia... until I hit Suffolk... then it was slammed... just saying Virginia... we need to work on our infrastructure here!!! "

    Amen to THAT! >_<

    Well glad you made it home safe and sound. See you in a bit over a month ;-)



I always appreciate feedback! Thank you for reading!

~Big Dave!