Wednesday, February 22, 2012

For My Clients!

First and foremost, when going back and reading my own blog,  I have some phrases early on like "being a slave to my career" and "working for the man." I want it to be clear right now I was not talking about my profession as a massage therapist, my clients, or my work through Reinhold Chiropractic Group. More or less I am talking about being a slave to society and its perspectives on what is correct on how to live your life and what success is.

I have held and maintained my longest run of employment in my history through Reinhold Chiro... there is no way I would have that record if I didn't enjoy working there. Dr. Rich is an excellent employer, and a great friend. My job title while working with him and also being a massage therapist allowed me to do what I enjoy doing the most in an office setting, which is client interaction. Basically I got paid to get to hang out with my friends! Literally, it was a blast, I made tons of life long friends just showing up for work in the morning, and that is something you do not get with a lot of employment opportunities. Obviously I will miss all of my buddies in the office. Of course many of those buddies were also clients of mine at McNeeley Wellness, my massage company I ran through Dr Reinhold's Office.

My clients were and are the best! When I wasn't killing their muscles with kindness and pain (cause lets face it, I am no Swedish therapist!), it seemed every session was an opportunity to hang out with a friend and just talk the day away!

One of my biggest issues with taking such a huge leap of faith as I start my new adventure in permaculture farming, is the fact that I can not take my clients with me. I feel it is rare sometimes to wake up and be proud knowing that what you do for a living, can help your clients live richer, fuller, and freer lives. Daily I get to witness the body healing itself as I help them with certain issues in life that weigh them down, physically and mentally. I have had the greatest pleasure working with my friends, I will truly cherish each one of you forever! As I hopefully have helped you, please know that you have helped me grow into the person I am today. Everyday, I gathered little tidbits of information and pearls of wisdom that you all freely handed out while just keeping conversation and I feel that those encounters are true blessings and I know I have grown from them. Again, Thank you all for being the best clients and friends anyone could ask for.

Thank YOU!

~Big Dave!

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~Big Dave!