Saturday, February 18, 2012

Less than 2 weeks!

I have been getting a lot of "I don't believe you are actually following through on this crazy move!" from friends and clients over the past week. I think it is really starting to set in with people that I am outta here soon. It is definitely starting to set in with me! I am about 50% packed up now, getting ready to start the 'living out of my suitcase' part of the trip soon. I am bringing over the truck and trailer tomorrow and will start casually loading up the trailer next week! As in... yep, this is really happening!

In the wake of my Brother abruptly abandoning his family, we have had to be proactive and try to recoup some of the financial and business damages he has left behind. So, I sold off his business and lawn care equipment, but have decided to keep the truck and trailer for myself. Basically, I am selling off my Xterra and am going to take over his truck (no worries I have the title with his signature on it for transfer) so now I will have a truck for the farm (since we all have SUV's currently.) Once I get out to Arkansas I will sell off the trailer, mostly because the trailer is much bigger and costs nothing compared the the $654 trailer from U-haul that couldn't even fit my mattress inside it.

So even when the bridge crumbles around you, sometimes new paths shine through the rubble. It was hard to find, but it seems like this new strategy to get me out there will work for now!

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~Big Dave!