Thursday, August 2, 2012

Frugal Re-purposing of Cabinet Project!

I took a cabinet that was being tossed away and gutted it. Of course, didn't think to take a before picture... but imagine a two drawer, two door cabinet, with an interior shelf. The Cabinet was missing a door and one of the drawers, so I gutted out the left side and made the cavity big enough to put the food bin in! Then on the other side, I stabilized where I cut the shelf in half, and faced off the box with the remaining door to create a raised nesting box, and below it, I made another nesting box with a nice home made perch that sits in front. The remaining drawer can be pulled out and made into a third nest, or it can be used for storage. On top I reinforced it and put a thick particle board scrap piece on top to be a heavy duty shelf...

After I installed it! I know right?!? Its AWESOME! My neighbor that has the extra nesting boxes has not come through, and the chickens are weeks away from laying their first eggs, so I am all about being ready, but will still have room in the coop should the boxes ever come available. After I was done installing it, it can hold two bails of hay on top, scratch feed, regular food pellets, and extra supplies along with the 3 nesting boxes... :)

Pellet food in storage on the left, two "deluxe" nesting boxes on the right.

4 of the 7 total nesting boxes I have ready to go for my Chicks to start laying!!

Sunset before the rain came in last night... it actually stormed and rained for a good amount of time!

Update on the bird nest on the front porch... (that some idiot put his hands in.).. Well, between the scent of the guy from sticking his hands in the nest, and along with the incredible heat, and drought... 2 of the 3 birds in this nest eventually kicked the bucket. However, beyond all odds, this little guy survived and today found him outside his nest and on the inner box lid.

About a minute after I took this picture, he tried to fly for the first time, and didn't get far. Luckily I noticed that he fell between the two boxes, so I went in after him and got him out. After a few more "gliding" attempts, he flew under the porch and I presume I will never see him again. Good luck Mr Bird! Finally, now I can put those boxes in the trash!!

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~Big Dave!