Friday, August 31, 2012

"Hurricane" Isaac

For those interested in the Guineas... I have no news, except that they haven't shown back up. At this point, I'm not holding my breath on them coming back. Especially after today, due to the non stop Rain we have gotten from Isaac, I would have thought (if they still cared about little ol' Dave) they would have come home to the shelter of the coop from the storms. I was talking to a local who raises Guineas and Chickens about it, and he suggested it might have been a large Owl, in the middle of the night, coming by and taking one at a time back to its nest, killing it, then coming back for another guinea. He swore by this, as he saw it happen to him,  and said it happened at least twice (one Owl supposedly took 12 of his in one night). Owl, Coyotes, Raccoons, whatever it was (if it was a predator) that is just mean! I'm still holding hope they just got bored with the vast wealth of their situation and wanted to try to rough it out in the real world for a bit and will come back soon to the sheltered harbor of my domain. (wishful thinking I know)

About Isaac... I know it did vast damage to LA, and MS. But for us, we only have gotten a steady rain with overcast. Since last night it has drizzled and rained non stop. This morning when I let the chickens out (no worry, they won't get blown away... the winds are non existent) I walked over the septic tank area where it was dug up a few weeks back, and for the first time since I came to this place, my feet sunk in MUD! I thought the ground was too rocky for that, but with the ground getting dug up and loosening everything up... then 12 hours of rain... well, its a good combo to get the ground soft. :) The local news channels aren't really reporting anything storm related that could tell me much about the system, other than it is going to rain today... good job weatherman. I guess they aren't used to reporting this style of weather, most of the info I have gotten from the storm has been from the Weather Channel. But basically, I guess the thing has blown itself out for the most part, and will only produce rain and mild wind until it finally dissipates somewhere over the northeast coast.

I am fully aware that this Blog is not as fun without the pictures (at least in my case it isn't). My phone is still broken. I have found out it is the Card reader on the phone (since other SD cards wont work either) so I will have to wait till I'm back in Virginia Beach to get the thing fixed (thank goodness I have insurance on this thing). The real question is "what I am going to write about when I get home during the transition from one farm to where I go from here?" I hope and plan to stay on topic and just report life as it happens and in turn will hopefully document the growth of Dave as he pursues continual happiness and produce life changing ideas that will benefit the surrounding community around me and/or even the entire world. Thing is folks... I was born for greatness, my Mom always told me so. Or maybe she just said I was "special" either way, knowing me is a fantastic blessing to you and you should feel honored! (This is only SLIGHTLY But seriously if the World doesn't end soon, I plan on doing something great and awesome... just gotta figure out what "it" is first... again, that is one of the reasons why I have this thing.. to document that greatness in it's conception, through the fetal stages into the birth in the world as the best idea ever since sliced natural nine grain whole wheat bread!  But seriously... I gotta work on that "Idea" and make it come into fruition... Say tuned (might be a few years from now... but stay tuned!)

Other than documenting the last few projects I have around here to do before I leave, I feel it is time to start doing the whole "reflecting back on the summer" posts. Reflecting on my gardening, my building, my running a homestead, and my personal growth through these past few months are going to be the main topics... hopefully with a few pictures laid in too... so be on the look out for that mini series REALLY soon! Till next time, Ill try not to get "blown away" from Isaac and will be enjoying the peace and quiet of Nature before coming back to the hustle an bustle of the city.

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~Big Dave!