Monday, August 27, 2012

Guines (Part 2)

Once again, I start questioning myself if I have some sort of psychic abilities that I don't know about. A few days ago I posted that I thought I lost my entire flock of Guineas... then they came home. Well the very next night, they were nowhere to be found... again. This time I took a slightly more relaxed approach to them not being around thinking they were just exploring the woods near the home.

Unfortunately, over 48 hours later, they still haven't come home. I want them to free range, but I don't want them to find another home! I did some research, and I found that Guineas are like Pheasants, as in they like to wonder off and move around. Especially if they don't have food...  but these guys get fed better than a football team, smorgasbord whenever they want in the feeder, and two handfuls of chicken scratch pretty much every day on the ground too, plus all the bugs they can eat! So, hopefully, they will come back after exploring wherever they are right now and everything will be fine. But for now they are missing in action. :( 


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~Big Dave!