Potatoes! |
I wanted to do a quick update to tell you what actually looks like may take off in the garden. Again, its a smaller list from the way large one from over a month ago. This list is excluding the fruit trees that have yet to come in the mail.
Potatoes- Doing very well, they have all sprouted up and with three of the plants, I am doing the vertical method with old tires, so far I have one tire down, and will probably put another tire down in the next few weeks pending on how they grow. :)
As stated in the previous post, I scored some starter plants for real cheap, so now I have 23 tomato plants of different varieties including cherry and beef steak. I hope the summer will be nice and I get a plethora of tomatoes to give away!
Tomatoes |
Peppers! |
My peppers are coming along, I ended up getting a larger starter plant of the banana pepper because it already had peppers on it ready to turn... so I just had to buy it, but at last count I have 5 banana and 3 bell pepper plants... one bell pepper got the wrath of some kind of cutting insect and cut it off at the base... made me sad, and kinda mad, but that's life.
I have around 48 Corn plants give or take, so if I only get one ear of corn per plant, that will still bring me happiness, but I'm rooting for two ears! I also threw in about eight ornamental corn plants too at the end of my row, so Ill even have some fall decorations... maybe.
The Lettuce is coming along slowly but surely, I still have the 4 Romain and 4 Ice burg head lettuce plants, and looks like my other lettuce from seed is going to be ready sometime, but not anytime soon.
The radish crop I had experienced some problems. At first I had over 100 radish plants pop up, over night one night I lost over half and then half again, so I'm down to about 25 radish, and might plant some more soon, maybe it was just too cold when I first seeded. Luckily radish is a fast grower, so I should have plenty for my salad soon!
CORN!!!! |
I scored 8 yellow squash plants, so I made little hills and put two to the hill with four feet minimum of space between anything else, so they have lots of room to grow out to grow me some record breaking squash for summer! I also planted the 1 gourd plant I got from a garage sale, it is a birdhouse gourd plant, so hopefully some huge gourds will come from it. We have a bunch of other gourd plants starting right now from seed, so if they take off, we will plant them near that and watch a whole bunch of gourds grow!
The Cantaloupe is still there but not showing much signs of spreading out, just getting thicker, so hopefully that will spread soon and I will be able to see some melons start coming. Speaking about melons, my 4 watermelon plants are doing alright, but I also got 8 more Red Congo Watermelon starters... so now it looks like I will have a pretty big watermelon patch! I hope so anyway, but we will just have to wait and see.
Yellow Squash |
My Carrots failed... miserably, not a single carrot came up from seed, not sure if a bird got it or what, but we are retrying and I have a nice size section of the garden reserved for them and will plant some more soon, maybe today!
Two other plants worth mentioning is my 1- sunflower, and my 1 cucumber plant, that were the only things to pop up and survive from the peat moss starters (other than the corn... which really took off). I have them planted and look like they survived the transplant.
So at the end of the day, again, not as huge of a garden as I was hoping for this year, but I really cant complain when I look back and see what is starting to take root and hopefully next month will start producing!
CHANGE OF PACE- Yesterday at 5pm we got an email confirmation that my little chickens have shipped!! As in, I could have them today!!!!!! OMGosh!!! Keep checking back regularly soon as I will be posting often when they come in! This is me excited... one of my all time dreams of raising some chickens is about to come true, one thing The Common Wealth of Virginia prevented me from doing. Especially Virginia Beach. Virginia Beach is a nice place and all, but did you know that you are not allowed to keep any chickens at all? Here is a fun fact, in the City of New York, in every borough, your aloud to have Chickens...
"Female chickens or hens are considered pets by the Department of Health
and Mental Hygiene and therefore are allowed in all districts of the
city: residential, commercial and manufacturing. Roosters, geese, ducks,
and turkeys are strictly prohibited."(Farm Aid Website)
A place where people are cramped together like sardines, but they are allowed to have chickens. Why not in Virginia Beach? I honestly can not answer that question, but that doesn't matter right now, because this guy is getting his chicks in the next 24 hours!!! (And in a few weeks will be getting his Guineas too!) Till then....
Yet another late sunset in Arkansas |
Moon and Venus |