Working on the exterior fence! Almost done! |
Went into town the other day and got a Lawn Mower and a weed eater, and no I didn't get Goats.... not yet. lol. But I have been having fun lawn mowing while the temperature is nice and cool. The bugs lately have been kept at bay, except for when I went and cut back the over growth at the North end of the property fence line. That day I found over 10 ticks crawling on me... I was flat out grossed out, again, I HATE ticks with a passion. I don't freak out over them or anything, but just think they are vile creatures! (Bayside Vet... I have been keeping up to date on Cheyennes flea and tick medication!!) Good news is that the fence line has been repaired and now I am in the process of installing the actual fence around the edge of the property (the fence that I drove all the t-posts in for, not the garden fence) This fence is to help contain my live stock especially for the chickens to keep out the dogs and wildlife, and also act as a double barrier to my garden,
Speaking about Chickens... Mine are finally coming in sometime this week! I am truly excited!! The chicken coop is completed, I am getting some extra steel nesting boxes from a neighbor who got out of chicken farming... for free! Ill have pictures of that posted when I get it in. The brood is all set up for my chicks, it has a water basin, and a feeder along with a heat lamp. Ill be probably posting daily once those lil' gals come in, as I will be a proud chicken daddy and anxious to share in the experience of that stuff!
Speaking about chicken and coops, I painted mine! Now it is Barn Red, look
at the before and after pictures and get jealous! I think it turned out
really nice, I was hesitant at first, I didn't want to loose the rustic
look of the thing, but the red really makes the wood grain pop out!
Before paint... |
After paint! |
All done painted Barn Red! |
Working on the neighbors chicken run (Neighbor is in pic) |
Neighbors daughter playing with their 25 Rhode Island Red pets! |
My neighbors got their chickens in about four or five weeks ago, and this past Sunday we let them out of their brood into their chicken run. I have helped them out with the construction of their coop too and also helped them with the chicken yard, so it was rewarding to watch the chickens come outside for the first time. At first they all huddled together in a corner of the chicken yard, probably in shock that the world they knew just grew in size by like 5000%, then one of the chicks got curious about the surroundings and went exploring, then all the other chicks followed suit. Before you knew it they were all over the yard, picking at the grass, pecking at the ground. This whole experience made me extra excited when I get to do the same thing with my flock in about five weeks! For all my Animal Lover friends out there, this particular flock of 25 birds are all pets and will not be eaten, just used for their eggs and their company! This family, grows eggs for their entire extended family and for surrounding neighbors. We will definitely be using their free egg services... for a few weeks, after that, I'm sure I will have more than I could ever eat... especially since I don't eat Egg by itself, I like mine on stuff like french toast.. or in baking, not one to eat scrambled or anything like that, but that may change after I have my first real free range, happy egg!
Know which one isn't a horse? |
Give me that apple! |
Also helped out the neighbors with their horses! went and moved some fence from one field to another for the horses to have new pasture to graze. They cut, and they fertilize, then it just repeats and is a never ending process! I am hoping to get some good quality riding time and re-learn how to do the whole horse thing again this summer. :) Ill keep ya posted on that.
Just some of the 115 stairs to get down to the river! |
Got the stairs down to the river pretty much repaired and replaced a few boards that were rotten, so it is now safer to make the journey down to the river again!
Stopped by a vegetable garden stand on the side of the road, though he
wasn't selling veggies yet, he was selling starter plants. So I gobbled
up $10 worth of tomatoes and melons, and squash, and will be planting
those today after I get off of here and get to work! The sign said a
$1.50 for every four plants, so I scored big time! Ill throw another
post up after I plant them and get some updated pics on the garden too.
:) I better get to it, so till next time!
Yet another beautiful Arkansas Sunset |
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~Big Dave!