Hello all!
Yes... I started corn in pods, we want success! |
Some Corn! And Rocks! |
The last few days have been barely productive. I have had a lot of shoulder issues, with numbness going down my arms, (probably from swinging the hammer all last week) but I'm not letting that get me down, but it has put a strain on my productivity. Really wish there was a Chiropractor in business around here!! I did get all my corn planted though! And although I didn't do so well with germinating seeds, I went out and got at least some of my basics for the gardens that were already started. Now, I have 4- bell pepper plants, 4- banana pepper plants, 4- cantaloupes, and 4- watermelons, also I found a cherry tomato plant too. The potatoes decided to finally pop up out of the ground, I was just about to give up on them also, but they look like they might do something! So the garden is coming along, slowly but surely. Like I stated in recent posts, the soil is clay and rocks, so now I am hoping to just get anything to grow this year. Next year the farm owners can spend more money on soil and really work the ground more. This year, it looks like I'm just pulling rocks from the garden site and hoping for the best. :)
POTATO'S finally showing up!! |
Went to Jonesboro yesterday and explored the "big" city nearest to our little village of farms. It is way smaller than Va Beach. I went out to eat there and it seems everyone requires you to be a member of the restaurant (IE- Chili's, Olive Garden.. etc.) because it is a dry county and they serve alcohol in the establishment. So, that kinda sucked, I don't even really drink anymore and could care less, I just wanted food! Its like you try to get away form all these stupid rules put down by society, but no matter what, you still have some dumb ones wherever you go. Is anyone else tired of every establishment trying to micromanage and get info about your life? I mean really? Its not a Doctors office!! I know this is not something to get all bent out of shape about, but I don't think I should have to put down my personal information just to get a sandwich! "I'm sorry sir, you must be a member to eat at our establishment" B.S. and your not getting my business.
2 of the 3 objects I found with the metal detector |
I tried to get into metal detecting! Got conned into thinking I could find a meteorite or two after watching a few episodes of "Meteorite Men"... yeah, all I found was a soda can, a .22 caliber shell, and a nozzle off of an old hose! This came out to about an hour worth of searching, and an hour worth of digging through rocks to find these objects... so, I am not sure this will be a continuing hobby of mine! However, if I do find a sweet meteorite, I just might have to continue on hunting!
Speaking about hunting, I shot my 8mm Rifle yesterday for target practice. Got to admit, it is nice to not have to pay range fees and go somewhere just to shoot a gun. Here, I literally walked outside, found an old dead tree, put my target up, and went to town! 25 rounds later I checked out my target, now, I was using open sights, at about fifty yards (+/-) standing with no support. With that said, I got all the shots on the target, but they were not really grouped. Fact is though, I can still hit the sheet (15"x15" target) from fifty yards away, so chances are, that's gonna hurt if I shoot ya. If I was laying down, or had a stable surface, I guarantee my shots would have been tighter together! :P
We have a nice storm supposedly coming in today, so I am hoping that will help out the garden! Till next time, enjoy more pics, upon pics, upon pics, followed by a pic of last nights sunset! :)
New signs of life from my Lemon tree!! |
New signs of life from the Banana Tree!! |
Watermelon (and some corn in the background) |
Baby Cherry Tomato |
Baby Banana Pepper Plant! |
Another Sunset after a nice day |
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~Big Dave!