Sunday, April 1, 2012

More swimming pics!

Here are some more pics of the swimming hole! And also two tiny creatures I found today. One was another lizard, kinda looked like a horned toad, and the other was a freaking scorpion!! Really?!?! This place has so much different wildlife it is almost overwhelming... but in a good way of course! I decided to keep the scorpion, felt it was right since I have one tattooed on my leg and all. But it has to stay in the barn, it has been banned from the house. :)

Ok ok, no fat or overly white jokes! :P

It was cold, but only for a bit

Decently strong current, but not overpowering!

Eat those bugs!!

My new pet Scorpion!!

1 comment:

I always appreciate feedback! Thank you for reading!

~Big Dave!