Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Circus came to town!

1 ring circus, 1 large tent!
The Circus came to town today and we went and checked it out. In Virginia Beach, we have the big one, Barnum and Baileys 3 ring craziness. Its huge, lots of clowns, lots of action, things going on in one ring, while another act is doing its thing in another... not this circus.

Its a one ring circus, with 2 clowns, 4 elephants, 3 camels, 1 zebra, 5 tigers, some ponies and dogs, and I wouldn't have changed a thing! Everyone had their own act and also participated in everyone else's acts too. For example- one guy would be a "world acclaimed juggler" and the next thing you know he is sword fighting a pirate in a different bit. All and all it was actually a really good time. I went in expecting it to be pretty lame and bad, but left actually thinking we got the moneys worth. As far as the toddler goes.... I have never seen her so happy and animated. Plus, she was enthralled the entire time and clapping... the same kid cant go ten minutes of watching a Pixar movie before her attention span goes elsewhere! A lot of people are froogle, and I usually am, but for an extra 2 dollars you could sit ring side... so I upgraded the tickets, I think it was well worth it too. Ill let the pictures do the talking tonight! Enjoy! I did! :)

This elephant looked at you in the eyes!

Ring master and 1 of the 2 clowns

I love the tigers!

My favorite part...right before they maul the handler :P

Oh yeah, the circus had performing dogs too

aaaarrrrgggg... walk the plank... or wobble board!

Your eyes are right, 2 camels and a zebra.. why not?

The world famous juggler, didn't drop one item!

Nice to be in the front row!

Elephant- "Uh, Doc.. I think I might have a tumor!"

This elephant was like 5 feet away from me

Hooray for animals!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Dave.... those poor animals!! May all beings everywhere be happy and free and may the thoughts and actions of our own lives contribute to that happiness and freedom for all.


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~Big Dave!