Get us out of here!!! |
As the locals call it, when you move the chicks from the brood to the coop they say its Graduation Day! So, the 5- Cornish Hens, the 4 Rhode Island Reds, and the 6- Buff Orpingtons graduated, and boy did their world grow!
Now that we are out, now what??!?!?!? EAT! |
When I first got them in the coop (with the help of my friend Chad and his daughter Emma) they just huddled together, didn't make a peep, just sat there scared. Then Emma (all 3 years of her) starts grabbing them one by one and puts them outside down the chicken ramp. Technically, they should stay inside the coop for a few days before going outside to make sure they know where home is. But it was a really hot day, and I definitely wouldn't want to stay inside that thing all day either, so I had a heart and let them go outside.
bottom part of fence, before rednecktized! |
I gathered some stuff I found on the property and borrowed more cage lids from my neighbor to make a smaller chicken run so I could contain them a bit and not have them have the entire yard to roam in just yet. I can't tell if my instant chicken run, held together entirely by zip ties, is ghetto, or redneck... I'm leaning towards redneck since I am in the bible belt. :P But hey, it did the trick, it even kept Cheyenne out.
Cheyenne stalking her wannabee prey. |
Speaking of Cheyenne, I was able to keep her out of the chicken yard, but when Chad, Emma and myself were all in the chicken yard, Cheyenne decided to "try the front door to the coop" and trotted right in there!!! Chad heard some crazy commotion going on inside the coop and then we realized it was Cheyenne. Clever dog, but she about got a true spanking! Only reason why she didn't get one was because she had too hard of a time choosing which bird to eat first, stupid dog couldn't make up her mind! So, luckily we were able to get her out with no loss of life or even a bite mark! And, have since made it so now no dogs can even get in the big yard anymore.
This is the last time Dogs will be near the chicks for a while. |
Dogs have been banned from the main farm yard until we have had some real training that Chickens are our friends! Sad day for Dogs, happy day for Chickens!
Once all the Chicks were outside, they refused to come back in, stayed outside all day today. I just got inside after wrangling everyone of them one by one to get them back through the chicken door and into the coop. I would have kept them out there longer, but they really didn't eat or drink much... until I locked them in the coop... them it was game on for the grub and water.
So Congrats baby Chicks and welcome to your big new world!
Cluck cluck, chirp chirp |
Chirp chirp, cluck cluck |
Not the brightest of things |
Already roosting!!! |
My corn.... struggggggling |
Sunset over a freshly bailed field |
Cooling off in the shade |
Went fourwheeling in a 2x4 on a neighbors property, with a neighbors truck = good times |
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~Big Dave!