Friday, May 25, 2012

The Guineas have arrived!

They have blue hints and some blue feathers!
Went into town today and got the mail... a nice little chirping package of 16 Guinea Keats!

Before I went home I went to the feed store and bought two more bags of feed (50# of Chick starter costs around $12) and also a new high capacity water dispenser for the rest of the chicks ($33). I had bought an old feeder at a garage sell for $12, they sell them new for around $35 so I think I did alright on that purchase. Also went and got two bails of straw ($4.50 a piece), its about a buck or two more than getting it from a farmer right out of the field, but I am still trying to make a connection on that right now, so I bought two just to get us going.

Cute now, but ugly when they get older...
Went home and set up the brood, and also re-arranged and decorated the coop with a layer of straw and put out the new feeder and water dispenser. I don't know if the chicks like it or not, because they have decided to just stay outside, (except when I am walking around, then for some reason, they ALWAYS want to be right under your foot where your trying to step <--- just like every other animal when you have your hands full and can't really look down... yup. )

I finally saw the first chick roll around in dirt, giving itself a dirt bath this morning! Of course when I went to take a pic, she stopped.... typical.

They don't hold still for photos very well!

Eating chick starter now, but soon, these guys will eat the bugs!!

New water and feeder! (my designer nesting boxes are being used to store food and straw on!)

Put the brood in the coop so these gals are all used to each other.. NO FIGHTING!!

The Rhodey in the bottom left was the one dust bathing... till I took a photo.

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~Big Dave!