Thursday, May 24, 2012

Scorpions again...

He was about three feet away from my bed.
I was too tired to post this last night, but what are the chances of this actually happening the same day I post a story about scorpions!

To start off, the Scorpion story is about four or five days old now, so I have been living with that scorpion for that amount of time. And obvious to me now, Diatomaceous  earth doesn't do to much as far as scorpions are concerned (with Ants though... literally that stuff will wipe out an entire colony!). Last night,  I was sitting in my room reading a book on how to raise goats (thank you Allen for the books!!) when all of the sudden the three dogs start going a little crazy. I thought they were fighting over a chew toy or something, so I got up and looked down right when Cheyenne was about to get stung in the nose by (what I am hoping was) the same scorpion that got in a few days ago! Luckily I barked an order to get the dogs to back away just in time. This time, I didn't let the scorpion get away, I scooped him up with a glass jar lid, took a few pics of the awesome creature, then walked directly outside and threw his butt off the cliff and into the woods!

Imagine, waking up to this on your nose!!
Moral of this story? Don't brag about how you have only seen two scorpions this entire trip... then the Matrix will throw more in your way.
Hmmm, I wonder... "I have only seen a few 20 dollar bills since I got here...."  :)

**ADDED NOTE** Guineas shipped yesterday. So, should be picking them up at the post office first thing tomorrow morning!!!! :) :) :) Next chapter!

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~Big Dave!