Saturday, March 10, 2012

Life in the country!

Life here is completely different from Virgnia Beach... duhh right? You can brace for it all you would like, but things are definietly slower and more relaxed here than you can preppare for.

When I was driving in with the trailer, I remember being a little slow for most people when I was tackling a hill. Then you hit the deeper parts of the country, where every fifth vehicle is a car, and the rest are all trucks.  I can only assume they took pity on me or something, because when I was being slow, they backed off, gave me plenty of space and made me feel like I wasn't bothering them with my slow driving. Which is totally the opposite from the city, where if your too slow, they ride your butt and eventually pass you waving at you with a certain finger.

On one of the hills I lost most my momentum and speed and looked to see three trucks in my rear-view mirror. I started sweating a bit, thinking that these people were getting really frustrated with me. Finally I get to a part of the road where the middle lines are broken again and they can pass. I slow down, almost stopped, put my blinkers on and waived them around me, and after a few seconds they were almost reluctant to comply! As if my slowing them down didn't bother them at all and they were just enjoying their slower ride through the country themselves. Total switch from Virginia Beach, that is for sure.

The people are extremely friendly, and are not afraid to make the next person in line wait a little bit so they can talk to you. Just through friendly conversation, I was offered a trucking job driving a dump truck from point "A" to point "B" all day long, doesn't sound too exciting, but hey I am here for experience, but think I might let that opportunity

Met some of the neighbors today and also went to the local church garage sale. Again, the people are overly nice and just want to sit and chat for a bit. It kinda reminds me of my college town of Bristol VA/TN, I worked at the only coffee shop on main street, and owned two Great Danes... so I was known by a lot of people in town as either the guy that made their coffee in the morning or as the dude with the two Great Danes in the back of his truck. It seemed I could never get anywhere fast because you seemed to always run into some friends, and then you talked for a minute or fifteen... same thing here. And it is pretty nice.  I keep finding myself trying to rush, then I think... why?

As far as the Farming stuff goes. Been tooling around with the soil in the yard and found that it is completely filled with rocks of all sorts shapes and sizes. So right now I am actively looking for a plow to help dig down and pull some of them up and then going to rent the biggest tiller I can to see what I can do to make this soil workable. I asked for a challenge, and this is definitely going to be one. I always try to work smarter not harder, but in this case, smarter costs a lot of money, and Im not trying to blow the whole budget on just prepping the soil. So, we shall see what the next few weeks brings. The last frost date is in the beginning of April, so I have to get the move on this project if I want to make some sort of garden work!


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~Big Dave!