Saturday, March 17, 2012

Ticks are not your friend

I like Arkansas,  and I knew the ticks were going to be bad... but wow.  Cheyenne and I have been pulling them off us like crazy. Its to the point now that I do nightly checks on her and me also! Its nice in a way cause its just more bonding time with my dog, and she has already grasped that this checking for ticks time is a point where I need her to just relax and stay still, like getting groomed. (as I was writing that last line, I felt and killed one crawling up my leg, no lie! WTF?!?) But at the end of the day, her and I bond all the time, so this is just unneeded extra time that I could do without, not because I don't love Cheyenne, we would be hanging out together anyway... but I just don't like bugs, I definitely do not like ticks, they just have no purpose in this life except to bring misery to everyone it meets. The only justification for its reason to exist is being food for some deserving creatures somewhere along the food chain. I think they are  a parasite and I would not cry a single tear if one day we all woke up and all the ticks, and mosquitoes and wasps were all gone. Sorry bats, no food for you... learn to eat more fruit!

Now that I have ranted about that...

I went to the seed and farm supply store right on the Missouri state line and picked up a brand new chainsaw, 400 feet of field wire fencing, 350 feet of 48 inch high garden wire fencing and a whole butt load of t-posts.  Along with an order of chickens!! and a whole bunch of other supplies. (cost- chainsaw-Stihl- $380, Fencing around $650) I have put in the t-posts all around the garden and have started to fence in the garden area. Will hopefully finish that tomorrow and also hope to put in the t-posts for the parameter fence for the barn yard. Also on my plate for tomorrow is to finalize my designs for the chicken coop, and also build a "brood" for my baby chicks that will be coming in the next week or so.

Its funny, it seems everyone around here keeps chickens, but nobody has a clue how they do it. They just know how... its in there blood, so its common sense to them. To the city slickers here, were like what?!?! But we have a pretty good support system and nice neighbors so, hopefully we wont have too much of a problem. Also, Billy from Hirsch Seed and Feed walked me through some things about fencing, and showed me how to operate the chainsaw and such and was really helpful.

Well, my hands hurt from twisting metal around the fence post for a few hours... Ron I am thinking about you buddy as I am installing the fence and really wish I took you up on coming out to help install it!! Its fun, and rewarding, but really... fence? Ill let ya all know If I reach enlightenment pounding in T-posts all day! :) 82 degrees tomorrow... so Ill be working on my Va Beach Tan! (gotta represent VB and CXB to these country folk!)


  1. Dave, what agricultural zone are you in? What number?

    1. I am on the border of Zone 6 Zone 7. The locals play it safe and call it zone 6. :)


I always appreciate feedback! Thank you for reading!

~Big Dave!