Monday, July 30, 2012

Found a cool website today

Its called GoFundMe and I have decided to create a fundraising page from it.

This blog has turned into a pretty cool little website, and I eventually plan to write a book about my experience using the blog as my guide through the storyline. It will include from when I started this thing to the finalization of hopefully opening a Retreat Center of my own in the next couple of years, and of course all the time in-between.

In the slightest chance you would like to donate to the book publishing fund, this fundraising page will cover the massive publishing costs, and to help market my future book- "Into the Natural State of Mind."

I personally feel there is no time like the present to get the ball rolling on things. So, if you have anywhere from $5 to a cool couple million dollars, and its just burning a hole in your pocket, and you don't know what to do with it... feel free to visit my page and I will be more than happy to take it off of your hands! :)

I do want to note though, if you are finding it hard to choose between my fundraising page, and a fundraiser that could help out starving animals/children or someone who is in desperate need, please donate to them instead. :)  Regardless if you donate or not, I want to say thank you for even checking out my blog, that show of support alone is always a fantastic way to keep me motivated on my own path of self healing and true happiness!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Auction and County Fair

The Auction results after I was through with it....
"Big" Dave went shopping yesterday.... Auction style. I went to an auction today where a pawnshop/restaurant/general store went out of business and auctioned off the stores contents... basically the dream auction! And people knew it too, the parking lot was completely full attracting business owners and restaurant runners to the common folk just looking for a deal. I waded through the crowd and checked out the lots of goods to be auctioned away. I went through the auction catalog and tagged with a side note on the lots I was interested in getting.

Lucky for me they started off with the small items, tools, wrenches, pawned goods. People started bidding high and had bidding wars going on and driving up the prices on the crappy stuff. It was awesome, because I wasnt in the market for that stuff today and these good people were spending their money... fast. By the time the second table came around, people already started to conserve their money and bid more wisely. That is where I stepped in. The auction had slowed to a drag as they were auctioning off old DVD players for 5 bucks a piece, then they reached down and grabbed two night-vision hunting tree mounted cameras. You install these on tress, and wild game (or unwanted people on your property) walk by them and get caught on camera! No one was paying attention it seemed and I only had one guy bidding against me and he hightailed it after I said $50... for both. These guys retail for $100-450 online, I got two for $50. I know they are old, but they were just too cool to let walk away.

About twenty minutes go by and they get to a table where they have some fishing supplies. I look for the items that have the biggest bang for their buck. Bobbers. I now own over 130 bobbers. At over a buck a piece retail, I made a killing snagging them all as a lot for only $15. So, need a few bobbers? Ill set ya up for a small but very reasonable and down right steal of a deal...fee!  :P

It got to the table with guns, compound bows, and knifes. Because of the large selection I opted to try to snag a new firearm for the cheap. I was at an auction where I snoozed and didnt even check out the firearms table, and the guns were going for under a $100 each time, my mouth dropped and I swore then and there Ill always sign up for the background check for all future auctions so I never miss out on that again. Only problem is, the gun brokers also showed up today. Some guns ended up going for over ratail prices. Then this Mossberg 12 guage comes up, brand new never shot before and the auction stalls out at 190, so I chime in 200 and no one raised me! I was so excited that I jst scored a Mossberg for only $200 bucks, but then the realization came later on when I learned its a Maverick by Mossberg. Its still a Mossberg, but its not built to the Mossberg standards, and some pieces are made out of the states. So the value isnt as high. Where as the Mossberg 500 12 Guage retails for over $500 new, my Maverick Mossburg 12 Gauge retails for around $250-$350 pending on where you look, So I still got a heck of a deal, just not as great of one as I was hoping. Still cool, and every review online about it were ALL five stars on the product... rare to see that, so im stoked!

Next up was a counter top bundle of items they sold. The lot I won was a bundle of 62 Chapstics, 84 Rolling Papers, 90 Bic Lighters, and 128 BC Powder packets. Snagged it for $60, couldn't pass it up.

Then came Lot 96, which was a ice chest full of 9mm ammo for my handgun (800 Rounds total) and also 26 Gun locks. I grabbed it all for $80. Retail for the ammo is $24.99 per 50 Round box, I got sixteen of those boxes... and also the 26 gun locks.... SCORE!

My Energy Drink Collection. Im gonna pee green soon! lol
Last but not least, I was gearing up to head back home and decided to see what some of the Retail "drink" lots would go for. This was towards the end of the auction, most people had left, most of the remaining people that were left were waiting for the cigarette lots to come up (they were the last lots... but for the people who smoke ... that's the way to get your cancer stick fix cheap... the few lots I overheard were selling like 12 cartons of Marlborough going for 120 bucks... I don't smoke, but I know that is a steal!) But I didn't care, I was into getting some cheap drinks! The fist seven of the drink lots were all soda lots, and they went for around 40-50 bucks each lot. The they get to the last two lots, one was an energy drink lot, and the other was a juice lot... everyone who knows me knows I love juice. So I was buiding for that lot. Well, again, they bundled the lots together, and apparently no one likes redbull out here because I got (this is a list)
Bleehhh- The soda, too much soda!
21- Monster Energy Drinks
22 Regular Red Bulls
13- 20 oz Red Bulls
15 NOS energy Drinks
26 RIP IT energy Drinks
38- Bottles of fruit Juice
14- Lipton Ice Teas
10- Vita waters
15- Power aides
14- 32oz Gatorades
120+ 20oz-1liter Sodas of different flavors
24- bottles of Auquafina
12- bottles of off brand H2O
Fruit Juices and Gatoraids
58- Bottles of what I would call "kids sugary crappy fruit drinks"
24- Cans of Soda
(Plus a plethora I already gave away)

Soda, Tea and water
That is over $650 worth of drinks if I were to buy it retail... but I didnt. I got bid up to $25 dollars, and no one raised me. However, the auction house charged me $35, but I didnt raise a fuss... because really?!? Ill eat the $10 knowing that after tallying everything up I walked away with $2,095 give or take a few bucks worth of retail goods, and paid only $440 bucks for it all. Considering the gun itself is worth around $300... I think I STOLE a little piece of Arkansas today, for REAL CHEAP!

1- Stocked fridge

Sugar drinks

I thought my day was over. Then my neighbor called, said come on out with us to the county fair... I thought, Why not. I could use the walk. Let me start off by saying this was the last night of the fair after three days of running, I was expecting it to be packed, especially since one of the days had a rainless thunderstorm that closed it down early. Then, once again, I had to realize I'm in the country, the people here live within their means, and people generally don't come out of their it was fun walking around a pretty empty fairground. If you wanted to ride a ride, you got the whole ride to yourself, and the ride operators would just let the ride go on, sometimes it seemed like forever waiting for the kids to ride the thing, but it was good time for quiet conversation with my friends without the kids always coming in and asking questions or screaming... so that was cool. The Fair was everything I thought a small county fair should be... Every kid who participated got a ribbon, the 4-H exhibits were everywhere, I actually witnessed a Hen laying an egg, then the egg fell through the wire bottom of the cage and busted all over the ground. I was sad, I would have totally stole that and had one of my hens hatch it! There was an area where people were showing off the new tractors and 4-wheelers on the market. Joe Dirt manned the half broken Ferris-wheel, another escaped convict worked the merry-go-round. Every single one of the rides looked like they were about to fall apart, or was missing some pieces I personally would consider integral to have, but somehow they still functioned. Paint pealing everywhere, folded over thin sharp sheet metal protruding from the rides, the park was so empty EVERY SINGLE ONE of the carny people tried so hard for you to play their stupid games. Me, I was there for the food, and check out all the different farm animals. I ate a hamburger AND a pork sandwich.. both were horrible, but ohh so good at the same time. :P Overall, it was exactly how I pictured the Fair in my head, and I wouldn't have changed a thing!

Did I mention it was EMPTY
Threw my neighbors in the shot to get the impression that it's
Hey look, only half the lights work!
Looks cool huh?
Sunset over the fairground
Friendly Frog

Friday, July 27, 2012

Putting up a gate!

Augers are awesome.... if you don't have rocks in your clay
With this Auger, if you hit a rock, it didnt dig it up.
I have been putting this project off just like the play house, because of the intense heat, but alas, I don't think it will let up till Autumn, and I can't wait that long. So, I have started to install the main gate to the farm yard. This gate is really two gates, one four feet wide, and the other six feet wide, making the opening large enough to get a tractor or a truck through with no problems. I made the two panels over a month ago, but the ground was a real jerk when it came to digging the post holes. My posts are actually hardwood 9 inch by 10 inch wide beasts of wood posts that I found on the wood pile, each weighing over a 150 pounds easy, if not way more. They are truly heavy duty and will last many, many years. With them being so massive though, I really wanted the holes to be really deep and full of concrete to make sure they don't fall over, even if directly hit by a tornado! Well, one hole is still being a true jerk with massive rocks every inch of clay I get through, and now this little hole is more like a pit (because you have to dig out the rocks you encounter). Allan, you are going to have a BLAST digging holes next year! Have fun with that my friend! So yeah, I still need to go just a bit deeper on the one hole and go buy more concrete to make sure this baby will stay put, but the other post is in and half the fence is up, so I thought I would give ya an update on the progress of it. All hand made by yours truly!!

It would just stop digging... period... and sit there, I swear it told me to screw myself.
The hole (partly filled back in from a tractor going through, long story, involving the septic tank getting dug up... but this hole will be the death of me!
The gate panel on the left is only propped up, but the right hand side, is all done, and looking AWESOME!
Now, this is a sexy (and LEVEL) gate. I don't care, its beautiful, I love it!
Wearing my Sanuks because the Chickens and Guineas are doing their job and taking care of the ticks! (also looking for a Sanuk sponsorship and/or a free handout for mentioning them on my blog... please... with a cherry on top!!!)

After Stitch sadly kicked the bucket, I am in search of a new chicken friend that I can hang out with on the farm. This time around, I think Ill go for a healthy chicken, that isn't bound for the freezer to make friends with. Might have better luck! lol. 
Looking at the goats and Chickens over the garden. "Who wants to be my next chicken friend?"

Two buffy's started to come when I called

Then more and more of them wandered over

Race is on, who will get to me first,  a Buffy, or a Rhody...

REALLY? A Rhody won the race to me? I was rooting for a Buffy to get to me first, but it got distracted by a bug.

Now they are all distracted... I don't even think they were coming to me anymore, I think they all just saw a bug or something. lol, but still... one of you WILL be my friend!

A nice sunset over my half way done totally awesome gate.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Little update!

Stitch. One cool Chicken!
First off, the post before this, about the front yard garden... They won an extension until September so the board investigating the matter can look "closer into the details" and also makes it so they can harvest the majority of the garden goods so it wont go to waste! Small victory, but they are still working and will continue working through to September to make things right so others won't get the same persecution over growing harmless and beneficial plants on their own property! The petition is going to go through September, so please still sign to show support if you can. And thank you to all the friends that did take the time out of their day to sign it! The petition now has over 10,500 signatures, and keeps climbing!!! If that isn't a statement, I'm not sure what is!

I do need to report some sad news. My buddy Stitch the Chicken never quite recovered and finally succumbed to her injuries. Her left eye continued to swell and eventually stayed mostly shut, even with continual cleaning it out. She never put her weight back on and unfortunately kept getting weaker and weaker. I tried everything I could to keep her alive, but alas it just wasn't meant to be.
Hanging with Dave

The final night she was alive, she was overly nice and wanted to be held, she continually crawled up my shirt and tried to nuzzle my neck. It was pathetically sad and cute, and I stayed with her for a good few hours having a feeling she probably wouldn't make it for much longer. Even Cheyenne was overly nice to her and kept coming up to her face to face and would just stare for a while. It looked cute and of course every time I tried to get a picture of it, one of them would look away, so I never got the chance to capture that cute moment on film.

You can see the swelling on the left side pretty good here.
But yeah, here is to you Stitch, the second coolest chicken to ever live, next to Spot! :) I gotta stop getting so attached to chickens! lol, but they are pretty cool animals and I can't help it. Still believe everyone should raise these awesome creatures if they get a chance to at some point in their life.

The wetness was mostly water I wiped on her to bring her a little relief from the eye swelling.
Ill miss ya buddy
One last picture together! RIP Stitch!
 The nights have cooled down a bit, even with it still breaking 100 degrees in the day time. There have been a few cloudless moonless nights lately and I have been getting a lot of stargazing in. It is just cool counting satellites and shooting stars... and a few lights in the sky I'm not going to try to explain, but still cool non the less. People who don't believe in UFOs... all ya got to do is stay up all night looking at the stars in a dark sky, and you will see some stuff that doesn't make since and it might just change your mind! lol. But again, it is just amazing seeing the crazy amounts of stars and the Milkyway galaxy's belt across the sky and just the beauty of knowing we are just a small spec of sand in the realm of the universe... kinda humbles you if you really think about it.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

What is the world coming to?

I wake up and read this story online about a family that has a beautiful garden in their front yard.
illegal kitchen garden
This apparently is an "eyesore"... it puts all of my gardens I ever made to shame!

In my personal opinion they should be rewarded for their forward thinking and also get a yard of the century award. These people instead are being told that they have a week to "scale back" the garden to only 30% of the yard space or they will be fined 300$ a week until they comply.

What a horrible waste of energy on the community and the resources it takes to even file such a non since, stupid, tax costing citation. These people took a crappy overgrown yard and turned it into something beautiful and the people in power think this is a bad thing??!?!? This garden is not the problem, it is the solution.

Please take some time out of your day today to sign their petition, the goal is 6000 signatures and they already have 5200 when I wrote this. I am signature 5208! They only have 2 more days to make the 6000 mark... I have a feeling they will make the goal number, but it would be nice to make it many times over.

This garden is harming no one, has no ill effects, it benefits the surrounding neighbors with Vegetables and is beautiful place to show that you can harmonize with Nature even in the city. I find it disgusting and sad that this is even an issue. I mean really, if you cant grow a tomato... then what else will the powers that be start saying you can't do. Sickening.

Petition Website link:

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Its my Birthday! :)

Today I turned 29! I know, I know... im so young, just a baby... blah blah blah. I am sure Ill miss those comments one day... but not

Hanging with my Buddy Stitch
As I went to bed last night I was really feeling down... and no its not because I am getting older... that doesn't bother me. I searched and searched and searched EVERYWHERE for Stitch the Chicken, but I couldn't find her. I went to bed completely bummed out thinking it got caught by a hawk or raccoon... I was like REALLY? On the eve of my birthday, the last Chicken that is nice to me and likes me goes and dies!?!? Bummed out I went to bed and eventually got to sleep.

But..... when I woke up this morning there was Stitch! Waiting by the chicken coop door so she could get her grub on! Last night I looked under the coop, in the trees, between the cylinder blocks, around the trunks of trees, inside the goat house, the play house, the garden, the high grass, the pile of sticks... only explanation I have is.... Aliens.    Gotta be! :P They obviously abducted her as a practical joke on me for my birthday and then decided to give her back this morning to make me happy again.

(I think she likes me)
Seriously, I have no idea where she was hiding, I spent over a half hour looking for her last night. Well, I am just glad to have her back. Never thought I would get so attached to a stupid chicken, but I brought this chick back from death, and I still feel bad for dispatching my Cornish hens, and I am not ready to lose anymore. They are my buddies, and Stitch is my Favorite (after Spot of course... and he was!

So yeah, woke up to happiness again... now that this story is out of the way... here are some things going on in the farm to give y'all a little update on my life as of late.

FINALLY Goats starting to use the toys.. without the help of a food motivator

Over 50 feet away, .22 Caliber rifle, no scope. Multiple hits on target, and two on the rope... but probably 30 rounds a

Stitch hanging with me in the workshop

Even through all this heat and drought... life still emerges. Albeit only lasted a day, then died. lol.
 Went to Mammoth Spring State park, and decided to feed the birds and also check out the old power station and waterfall.. along with where my river originates from! At the spring head, it gushes out at 9 million gallons an hour! It is the ninth largest natural spring in the world!! Here are some shots of the birds going nuts over a little bit of dried corn. It was very "John Woo" (Movie Director). The power plant built in 1927 is not in use anymore, but used to supply the power for the entire region, now it is just a memory of time.
Man... I so wish I could fly. That... would be awesome!

Happy feet...

Hello... feed me!!!

I love getting birds in flight, think they are sick pics.

HI! Get my good side.... HOOONK

If this isn't out of a scene from a John Woo movie.. I don't know what is!

They ate every last bit of corn.

The power house building, right over the falls.

The Original control panel to direct the power

The Hydro-generator

 I went and got some BBQ at a local eatery. My Grandpa has this exact same poster in his kitchen, been looking at it since I was probably the age of the kids in the picture (at one time I thought it was my Brother and me, back when I was a kid and didn't realize there was such things like posters)
As a kid I would (and still do kinda) crack up at this poster. was stoked to find it outside of my grandpas house! The poster reads "You Been Farming Long?"

Went and visited a friends farm operation. He has 2 goats 2 cows, 45 chickens and 30 acres!

Ingenious way to water his chickens, he makes them elevated with no drip pan, just a hamster nozzle on bottom

This way, you can go longer in between water changes, and the system costs only like 6 dollars in parts... versus 35 for the water trough I have. Live and learn.

So, more baby Chicks were found in a nest on the porch. Some idiot that was over visiting the house stuck his hand on the nest.. haven't seen the mother bird since. So we might lose these babies. and that's just horrible.

Yup, it is another Arkansas Sunset

I had a great Birthday today, want to say Thank you for all of the well wishes from all the friends and family that took time out of their day to send me happy wishes! It is always nice to know I am being thought of. Thanks again to all of you and know I think about each and everyone of you often!! :)