Friday, July 13, 2012

Sad day at the Farm

Today we said goodbye to a great friend, Gypsy. She really turned out to be a great dog, and I feel blessed to get to know her the way I did over the past months (and the years I knew her before, but not as a roomy).

Her and I didn't quite see eye to eye when I first arrived, but over time we learned from each other and literally became close. She had turned into a great friend and it was not unusual for her to walk with me to get the mail with Cheyenne, or walk with me on some "nature walks" (one time she almost caught a turkey, no lie!!).

The three amigos all together! Cheyenne, Gypsy and Saidee
She was the dog that alerted me that I had mice in my engine compartment. This dog was better at ridding mice and rats from the property than any cat I have known. It seemed almost daily I would find a present from her still covered in saliva of some furry rodent that is no longer eating my electric cords or insulation to the house.

The last few months, she turned on her most sensitive side to me and would regularly come and sit with me on the couch or even come downstairs to the basement where I live and have a sleepover with Cheyenne and myself.

Gypsy was a beast of a dog, and had one of the strongest spirits I will ever know. When she really started to show her sickness, she would somehow just turn it off and turn into puppy mode all over, no matter what the pain. Just last night, out of no where this sick, limping, skinny, wasting away dog, gets this second wind and literally took off running with Saidee, she looked real happy in that moment, even if it lasted briefly. That same spirit also got her in trouble in the past, including a nice run in with a skunk and also the numerous times she wandered off and went for a dip in the swimming hole, just to come back muddy and soaking wet, wondering why she wasn't allowed back inside the house.

Towards the end, Gypsy really seemed to embrace nature and loved laying in the sunlight in the front yard. Many times she refused to come back inside after a potty break because the basking just felt too good, and I couldn't be mad, as she looked so happy and content laying in the sun looking off into the woods. So to honor that feeling, I dug up a beautiful final resting spot that looked out over the river and she can enjoy the sunsets with Cheyenne and myself every evening now. I am actually kinda jealous of her final resting spot!

On a side note, this is the first time I was present at the vet office when the moment happened. I have never witnessed it before, it was peaceful and she just slipped away to sleep and took two final breaths. I told myself I was going to be strong, but literally couldn't hold back the tears, it was just so sad watching a true friend leave for the last time. I can not imagine the loss I will personally feel when my time comes to put Cheyenne down. Last week when she got bitten by the copper head, I thought it was the end for her too, and I was devastated. My heart goes out to my room-mates and I hope you guys know she is in a better place!
Gypsy's final resting spot. Off facing west to new horizons overlooking the beautiful river.

On top of all that, I woke up today with pink eye. Wahhoo. AND over the course of the past few days we have been losing on average one guinea fowl to a predator a day, and today we lost two. We had 16, now I only have 10... I stayed out all day and into the evening with a gun waiting to catch what is getting them, but no luck yet, but I have strong feelings it is racoons. I love all animals, but if they are eating my pets, they will cease to be.  NOT COOL! Just a crappy day all in all today. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

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~Big Dave!