Sunday, July 1, 2012

Some thoughts about the Summer Solstice of 2012

The first day of Summer was June 20th 2012 this year. Six months later it is going to be the winter solstice on December 21st 2012... a.k.a THE END OF THE WORLD!! (or just another day) but one thing I find interesting, is that within four days of the summer solstice this year, the US and most of the world skyrocketed into a massive heatwave that none of us has seen since 1952, sixty years prior (and those records are being broken daily).  Lick it up, Ive been looking at the weather history on Weather undergrounds website!

So anyway, I can not wait to see what the next six months brings. I really feel bad for Farmers all around, and for the livestock, at this point, I feel bad for anyone who has to be outside at all during the day! The heatwave is fueling the largest wildfire Colorado has ever seen. On the East Coast it is creating massive wind and thunderstorms that are killing people and putting millions out of power. No power and intense heat equals devastation to the sick, young and elderly. The United States is kinda in a crisis mode right now, and I feel most of us are just accepting that its just normal, and I feel the overwhelming majority is playing denial games about the strange and weird weather patterns happening over the past four or so years. Who knows, I truly understand weather fluctuates and patterns are seen in weather history. But this summer is too intense already for a lot of people, and its only July 1st. We still have two to three months of hotness to get through, then I predict we will have a nasty winter too, since the last one was pretty much non existent.

This blog is not to preach about doom and gloom or anything, I am just urging my friends to stock up on some water and non perishable food items. People in the surrounding area of DC are already dying of thirst because they weren't prepared. I'm not saying that you should stock up for Armageddon, cause if that happens... well, were all screwed. I'm just saying that we shouldn't rely on our flailing government and society to pull us through hard times, its time to start relying on yourself a bit. Read the news, people along the East Coast don't even have enough water to get them through the next few days till the power and utilities come back on.... EVEN IN DC... our nations capital!! I mean, how many close calls do people need to figure out that the grocery store will be out of water in times of crisis?!?  WAKE UP AMERICA

This has been a public service announcement from yours truly! :)

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~Big Dave!