Monday, July 16, 2012

Pink Eye home remedies

Like I stated before, I have come down with a small case of pink eye, over the past few days I have tried different home remedies to help tame it and hopefully cure it. Today, I wanted to let ya know what works, and what doesn't. Gotta love the internet, for I got most of these "cures" from it. I have some books like "Back woods doctor" "Natural Cures for the Herbalist" "Where there is no doctor" and a few others, but have found that for the most part, (especially the Chinese herbal book) they are telling you to get stuff to make a "tincture" that isn't readily available unless I was to find a oriental food store or some magi from Persia or something along those so they have been pretty useless in this case. Not saying those books are useless in general, for the most part they have some great cures and ideas that can get you out of a pinch in case you break a foot, or come down with a cold or fever... just not good for Conjunctivitis. So without further procrastination... here are my results.

Black Coffee in an eye dropper- This did clear out the "goop" factor, and I can see how one could see the coffee as an anti-inflammatory.  However, it didnt bring relief, and I personally feel that water would have a very similar effect.

Black Tea Bags- Again, I am thinking that the idea is similar to the black coffee cure, however, the warm teabags over the eyes did seem to bring the itch factor down, did clear up the eyes and the moisture helped clear away the goop. Again, I think this is a nice temporary fix, but will not cure it.. at least not in my case, but for eye swelling, or red-eye issues, or pollen issues, I could see this being a nice way to give you some relief, and you get two cups of ice tea out of the deal also! Win win situation!

Apple cider vinegar/ water mix- 2tsp Vinegar to 8 ounces water.- Well, I didn't have apple cider vinegar, just regular vinegar, and the first time I tried it I made a more potent combo- 2 parts vinegar, 6 parts water... boy did that STING! I swim in the bay, and nothing compared to that burn! However- took the goop right out of the eye and washed it clean! The second go round, I mixed the proper ratio, and though it still stung a bit, it was really tolerable. It also helps open the sinus cavity too! This way I feel is one of the better treatments for it, but again, hasn't cleared it right up (like the totally never lying internet promised it would... hmm), of course I'm not using the apple cider vinegar so that may play a part as I know that type of vinegar has more healing properties, and when I go into town will probably pick some up and try again.

**~~Update~~** Tried the Apple Cider Vinegar last night, burned as usual, but gives ya a rush! Woke up this morning with minimal goopage and also today seems to be doing pretty good for the most part. Will try this all day today and report more later!

Coconut Oil- This believe it or not will sooth the eyes and clear out the gunk, but will also distort your vision for the next two to three hours, so make sure you don't have to drive anywhere for a while if you decide on this option. I have been doing this treatment at night before bed. Good luck checking your email either... lol. I like this one though because again it soothes the crusty areas that are getting rubbed raw from wiping it away. But again, as a cure... it fails, like all the others, but will ease the symptoms a bit.

So there ya have it, my own set of Myth busting internet cures. I will say that all of these so called remedies will take the soreness temporarily away and clear up the eye, so if you come down with pink eye and can't get to a doctor right away, these "cures" are nice ways to make it through your day until you can get an anti-biotic. Speaking of which, I know Honey is the miracle medicine in Nature... havent seen a cure with that in it yet, so Im going to try that one and update this thing later (my own shot in the dark for a cure!!). But for now I have some things to do so Im not going to put honey in my eyes

Till then! Stay tuned!!

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