After her "sponge" bath |
The nastiness of her wing. Hope she gets better soon! |
The chicken, Stitch, I have in solitary confinement is eating up a storm and looks to be putting on a little bit of weight, but I have noticed that she has a grunge build up on her face, nostrils, and beak, so spent a while today trying to clean that up. Guess what? Chickens don't like their face being wiped! After a while though she settled down and in her little chicken sized brain I think she started to realize that I was only trying to help her out and then proceeded to let me give her a bit of a sponge bath. Her wing is scabbed over pretty good, but still looks disgusting. I have a feeling if I let her go back to the flock the other chicks will peck at her wing and start it all over again, so she will be in the workshop until she is completely healed. We have also thought about letting her free range on the other side of the fence when the dogs are inside, and maybe help out the bug population on the house side of the yard.
Looking a little bit fatter, so I'm supposing that is a good thing. |
I will make you use your toys!! |
I got the goats to actually use their toys I made them by putting food on them, forcing them to stand on them to get to the food. It got me some cute shots out of the deal, and they seemed to enjoy the challenge of getting some treats, so that was fun and a new way to entertain myself too while feeding Han and Leia.
They are cute when they aren't being jerks |
Leia is one jumpy little creature |
Han is way cooler than Leia by the way |
Today around 3pm, it started to rain pretty heavy for a while and now we are having some thunder roll through too, it was really nice feeling the temperature drop. I have read this morning that the US heatwave has killed over 42 people from heat and dehydration already. It is just nice to see the ground wet. When the first line of storms rolled through the wind shut the two doors to the coop, stranding all the Guineas and most of the chickens outside of the coop (they hid under the coop and were fine). When a break came in the storm I walked over and re-opened the coop doors and saw that only the Rooster and two of the chickens were inside. Its been so long since it rained, I guess they forgot they need to get under cover when a storm rolls through, I bet they will next time. lol. After the first storm had past, all the guineas and chicks were in the yard scratching around for bugs and obviously finding them, so that made me pretty happy too.
Rain rain, here to stay, please don't ever go away... until my ground is soaked! |
Then it can leave, but til then, water my trees! |
Face is pretty much back to normal! :) |
As for my totally awesome dog, who loves to play with venomous reptiles... she is doing much better, the droopy neck is starting to decrease and her face for the most part is back to normal. :) Only issue she is having today is the shakes from the Thunder, other than that, I feel I have my old dog back! :)
But wow, that neck is one droopy little sack of fluid! Looks like an old grandma's neck! (sorry Grandma) |
This is the face of a very lucky doggy! (and the hand of a very happy owner) |
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~Big Dave!