Friday, July 20, 2012

Thank You Shannon!

My awesome girlfriend gave me some of her left over pink eye medication today! I am stoked. All of the treatments I mentioned before, made life tolerable, cleared out the eye, and soothed the itchiness... but none of them cured it. So today I started using the medicated stuff from Shannon and, well, next time Ill just skip the home remedy and go straight for the medicine cabinet. It really seems to be doing the trick and that is only after two applications! I have a true feeling it will be cleared up by tomorrow afternoon! Which will be great, because then it will be my birthday!

Thanks again to my most wonderful, and beautiful girlfriend for hooking me up with the cure! I haven't really mentioned her much in this blog, but I feel the world should know that her and I are like two peas in a pod. She has helped me through some rough patches in my life and is always a person I can go to with anything on my mind and we can figure it out together. She literally is like a compass that guides me through life's labyrinth and her heart lights the path through this worlds darkest moments. We probably have one of the craziest stories on how we met, and the situations in our lives that helped bring us together, but that is a whole other book that will be published later (but look for it on B&N's top 100 must reads soon!). For now, just know that she is one of the reasons why I wake up with a smile on my face and that she brings me joy and happiness to my life. Thanks again Shannon for being there for me, I LOVE YOU!!!!

Stitch and I say hello!!

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~Big Dave!