Augers are awesome.... if you don't have rocks in your clay |
With this Auger, if you hit a rock, it didnt dig it up. |
I have been putting this project off just like the play house, because of the intense heat, but alas, I don't think it will let up till Autumn, and I can't wait that long. So, I have started to install the main gate to the farm yard. This gate is really two gates, one four feet wide, and the other six feet wide, making the opening large enough to get a tractor or a truck through with no problems. I made the two panels over a month ago, but the ground was a real jerk when it came to digging the post holes. My posts are actually hardwood 9 inch by 10 inch wide beasts of wood posts that I found on the wood pile, each weighing over a 150 pounds easy, if not way more. They are truly heavy duty and will last many, many years. With them being so massive though, I really wanted the holes to be really deep and full of concrete to make sure they don't fall over, even if directly hit by a tornado! Well, one hole is still being a true jerk with massive rocks every inch of clay I get through, and now this little hole is more like a pit (because you have to dig out the rocks you encounter). Allan, you are going to have a BLAST digging holes next year! Have fun with that my friend! So yeah, I still need to go just a bit deeper on the one hole and go buy more concrete to make sure this baby will stay put, but the other post is in and half the fence is up, so I thought I would give ya an update on the progress of it. All hand made by yours truly!!
It would just stop digging... period... and sit there, I swear it told me to screw myself. |
The hole (partly filled back in from a tractor going through, long story, involving the septic tank getting dug up... but this hole will be the death of me! |
The gate panel on the left is only propped up, but the right hand side, is all done, and looking AWESOME! |
Now, this is a sexy (and LEVEL) gate. I don't care, its beautiful, I love it! |
Wearing my Sanuks because the Chickens and Guineas are doing their job and taking care of the ticks! (also looking for a Sanuk sponsorship and/or a free handout for mentioning them on my blog... please... with a cherry on top!!!) |
After Stitch sadly kicked the bucket, I am in search of a new chicken friend that I can hang out with on the farm. This time around, I think Ill go for a healthy chicken, that isn't bound for the freezer to make friends with. Might have better luck! lol.
Looking at the goats and Chickens over the garden. "Who wants to be my next chicken friend?" |
Two buffy's started to come when I called |
Then more and more of them wandered over |
Race is on, who will get to me first, a Buffy, or a Rhody... |
REALLY? A Rhody won the race to me? I was rooting for a Buffy to get to me first, but it got distracted by a bug. |
Now they are all distracted... I don't even think they were coming to me anymore, I think they all just saw a bug or something. lol, but still... one of you WILL be my friend! |
A nice sunset over my half way done totally awesome gate. |
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~Big Dave!