Friday, July 6, 2012


Woke up this morning to the aftermath of a nice rainstorm that rolled through unannounced last night. I was beginning to think that Rain was an urban legend or something. Last Sunday in church, members in the Congregation actually prayed for rain! (I am sure all of us have)

Yesterday when I looked at the forecast, it was supposed to be dry and hot until Monday. Then, Monday, the temperature was supposed to drop down to the high eighties and have a 30% chance of rain. In the course of mere hours, the forecast has changed to Rain starting tomorrow and lasting until Monday with the temperature slipping under 100 degrees finally starting Saturday.

Obviously I am jumping the gun a little bit and believing the weather man for this all to come true. But, I really hope it does. I have watched the farmers fields around here go from green to brown, and although it is probably too late to save their crops, I still bet they would like... no love... just some rain to cool the ground off just a little bit.

Ill keep ya posted, I was just so excited to see the spattering of rain this morning I had to throw up a post for it. I find it funny... you never miss rain... until you don't get any for a realllllly long time and the weather is hot as crap!! :)

Two days ago I found one of the Buff Orpingtons under the coop after the rest had gone in to go to bed. I went and grabbed her and she was not really responsive. After I brought her into the light I noticed she had a nice injury on her left wing. Ether a hawk tried to grab her, or perhaps some of the other chickens were pecking at her and pulling out her feathers... either way, it looked like she had resorted to just crawl in a dark place and wait to die. Luckily I found her in time it seems, I have segregated her into a little holding cell in the workshop and gave her some nice clean water, a butt load of veggies, and a whole cup of chicken food. After playing the sit and wait game, it seems like she has started eating again (eating ALL the corn and most of the other veggies) and has even started to drink again and looks like she might pull through! I again don't want to jump the gun, I hope she makes a full recovery. Until then I will continue to keep her separated until the injury is completely healed and she is back to full health. I have decided to name her "Stitch" because of her messed up wing, only felt appropriate and I am sure the two year old will love the name since one of her favorite movies is "Lilo and Stitch".

This is from the night I found her, this night she really didn't want to much of anything, just sat on my lap and was extremely lethargic. (the picture isn't as dark on my phone... don't know why its so dark on here)

But the next day, she was up and about, had eaten most of the veggies I put out for her and looked more active! Hopefully she will just continue to get better! I have seen too many things die around me lately (my garden, the five Cornishes, all the land around me, and the failing health of Gypsy) so I am doing my darnedest to keep this little sucker alive!

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~Big Dave!